Bowesman, C. A., Mizus, I. I., Zobov, N. F., Polyansky, O. L., Sarka, J., Poirier, B., Pezzella, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists – L: High-resolution line lists of H3+, H2D+, D2H+ and D3+", Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2023). [link to article]
Owens, A., Mitrushchenkov, A., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - XLVII. Rovibronic molecular line list of the calcium monohydroxide radical (CaOH)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society516, 3995-4002 (2022). [link to article]
Mitev, G.B., Taylor, S., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Buchachenko, A. A., Stolyarov, A. V., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XLIII: Rovibronic transitions corresponding to the close-lying X2Π and A2Σ+ states of NaO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society511, 2349-2355 (2022). [link to article]
Semenov, M., Clark, N., Yurchenko S.N., Kim, G.-S., Tennyson. J., "Empirical rovibronic spectra of silicon mononitrate (SiN) covering the 6 lowest electronic states and 4 isotopologues", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022).
Owens, A., Dooley, S., McLaughlin, L., Tan, B., Zhang, G., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists – XLV. Rovibronic molecular line lists of calcium monohydride (CaH) and magnesium monohydride (MgH)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society511, 5448-5461 (2022). [link to article]
Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., Syme, A.M., Adam, A.Y. Clark, V.H.J, Cooper, B., Dobney, C.P., Donnelly, S.T.E., Gorman, M.N., Lynas-Gray, A.E., Meltzer, T. Owens, A., Qu, Q. Semenov, M., Somogyi, W., Upadhyay, A., Wright, S., Zapata Trujillo, J.C., "ExoMol line lists - XLIV. IR and UV line list of silicon monoxide (16Si16O)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society510, 903-919 (2021). [link to article]
Bowesman, C. A., Shuai, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "A high resolution line list for AlO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society508, 3181-3193 (2021). [link to article]
Clark, V. H. J., Owens, A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "The high-temperature rotation-vibration spectrum and rotational clustering of silylene (SiH2)", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer246, 106929 (2021). [link to article][21ClOwTe.SiH2]
Owens, A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists – XLI. High-temperature molecular line lists for the alkali metal hydroxides KOH and NaOH", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society502, 1128-1135 (2021). [link to article][21OwTeYu.KOH]
Qu, Q., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XLII. Rovibronic molecular line list for the low-lying states of NO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society504, 5768-5777 (2021). [link to article]
Yurchenko, S. N., Mellor, T. M., Freedman, R. S., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists -- XXXIX. Ro-vibrational molecular line list for CO2", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society496, 5282-5291 (2020). [link to article][20YuMeFr.CO2]
Chubb, K. L., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol molecular line lists - XXXVII: spectra of acetylene", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society493, 1531-1545 (2020). [link to article][20ChTeYu.C2H2]
Owens, A., Conway, E. K., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists - XXXVIII. High-temperature molecular line list of silicon dioxide (SiO2)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society495, 1927-1933 (2020). [link to article][20OwCoTe.SiO2]
Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Miller, S., Melnikov, V. V., O'Donoghue, J., Moore, L., "ExoMol line lists: XL. Rovibrational molecular line list for the hydronium ion (H3O+)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society497, 2340-2351 (2020). [link to article][20YuTeMi.H3O+]
McKemmish, L. K., Syme, A.-M., Borsovszky, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Furtenbacher, T., Császár, A. G., "An update to the MARVEL data set and ExoMol line list for 12C2", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society497, 1081-1097 (2020). [link to article][20McSyBo.C2]
Conway, E. K., Gordon, I. E., Tennyson, J., Polyansky, O. L., Yurchenko, S. N., Chance, K., "A semi-empirical potential energy surface and line list for H216O extending into the near-ultraviolet", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics20, 10015-10027 (2020). [link to article][20CoGoTe.H2O]
Coles, P. H., Yurchenko, S. N., Kovacich, R. P., Hobby, J., Tennyson. J., "A variationally computed room temperature line list for AsH3", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics21, 3264-3277 (2019). [link to article][19CoYuKo.AsH3]
Gorman, M. N., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists XXXVI: X 2Π - X 2Π and X 2Σ - X 2Π transitions of SH", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society490, 1652-1665 (2019). [link to article][19GoYuTe.SH]
Coles, P. A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XXXV. A rotation-vibration line list for hot ammonia", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society490, 4638-4647 (2019). [link to article][19CoYuTe.NH3]
Owens, A., Yachmenev, A., Küpper, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Thiel, W., "The rotation-vibration spectrum of methyl fluoride from first principles", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics21, 3496-3505 (2019). [link to article][19OwYaKu.CH3F]
Adam, A. Y., Yachmenev, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Jensen, P., "Variationally Computed IR Line List for the Methyl Radical CH3", The Journal of Physical Chemistry A123, 4755-4763 (2019). [link to article][16AdYaYu.CH3]
Langleben, J., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Bernath, P., "ExoMol line list – XXXIV. A rovibrational line list for phosphinidene (PH) in its X 3Σ− and a 1Δ electronic states", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society488, 2332-2342 (2019). [link to article][19LaTeYu.PH]
Li, H. Y., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists – XXXII. The rovibronic spectrum of MgO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society486, 2351-2365 (2019). [link to article][19LiTeYu.MgO]
Mant B. P., Chubb K. L., Yachmenev A., Tennyson J., Yurchenko S. N., "The Infrared Spectrum of PF3 and analysis of rotational energy clustering effect", Molecular PhysicsIn press, 1-14 (2019). [link to article][19MaChYa.PF3]
McKemmish, L. K., Masseron, T., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Perez-Mesa, V., Grimm, S. L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol Molecular linelists - XXXIII. The spectrum of Titanium Oxide", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society488, 2836-2854 (2019). [link to article][19McMaHo.TiO]
Owens, A., Yurchenko, S. N., "Theoretical rotation-vibration spectroscopy of cis- and trans-diphosphene (P2H2) and the deuterated species P2HD", Journal of Chemical Physics150, 194308/1-9 (2019). [link to article][19OwYuxx.P2H2]
Upadhyay, A., Conway, E. K, Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists XXVI: A hot line list for silicon sulphide, SiS", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society477, 1520-1527 (2018). [link to article][18UpCoTE.SiS]
Yurchenko, S. N, Szabo, I., Pyatenko, E., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists XXXI: Spectroscopy of lowest eights electronic states of C2", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society480, 3397-3411 (2018). [link to article][18YuSzPy.C2]
Polyansky, O. L., Kyuberis, A. A., Zobov, N. F., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Lodi, L., "ExoMol molecular line lists XXX: a complete high-accuracy line list for water", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society480, 2597-2608 (2018). [link to article][18PoKyZo.H2O]
Darby-Lewis, D., Tennyson, J., Lawson, K. D., Yurchenko, S. N., Stamp, M. F., Shaw, A., Brezinsek, S., JET Contributors, "Synthetic spectra of BeH, BeD and BeT for emission modeling in JET plasmas", J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys.51, 185701 (2018). [link to article][18DaTeLa.BeH]
Yurchenko, S. N., Bond, W., Gorman, M. N., Lodi, L., McKemmish, L. K., Nunn, W., Shah, R., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists - XXV: Spectra of SH and NS", MNRAS478, 270-282 (2018). [link to article][18YuBoGo.NS]
Yurchenko, S. N., Sinden, F., Lodi, L., Hill, C., Gorman, M. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists XXIV: A new hot line list for silicon monohydride, SiH", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society473, 5324-5333 (2018). [link to article][18YuSiLo.SiH]
Yurchenko, S. N., Williams, H., Leyland, P. C., Lodi, L., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol linelists XXVIII: the rovibronic spectrum of AlH", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society479, 1401-1411 (2018). [link to article][18YuWiLe.AlH]
Owens, A., Yachmenev, A., Thiel, W., Fateev, A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists – XXIX. The rotation-vibration spectrum of methyl chloride up to 1200 K", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society479, 3002-3010 (2018). [link to article][18OwYaTh.CH3Cl]
Mant B. P., Yachmenev A., Tennyson J., Yurchenko S. N., "ExoMol molecular line lists - XXVII: spectra of C2H4", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society478, 3220-3232 (2018). [link to article][18MaYaTe.C2H4]
Polyansky, O. L., Kyuberis, A. A., Lodi, L., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Zobov, N. F., "ExoMol molecular line lists XIX: high-accuracy computed hot line lists for H218O and H217O", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society466, 1363-1371 (2017). [link to article][17PoKyLo.H2O]
Wong, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Bernath, P., Mueller, H. S. P., McConkey, S., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line list XXI: nitric oxide (NO)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society470, 882-897 (2017). [link to article][17WoYuBe.NO]
Mizus, I. I., Alijah, A., Zobov, N. F., Lodi, L., Kyuberis, A. A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Polyansky, O. L., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XX. A comprehensive line list for H3+", Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2017). [link to article][17MiAlZo.H3+]
Owens, A., Yachmenev, A., Thiel, W., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists - XXII. The rotation-vibration spectrum of silane up to 1200 K", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society471, 5025-5032 (2017). [link to article][17OwYaTh.SiH4]
Prajapat, L., Jagoda, P., Lodi, L. Gorman, Maire N., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists - XXIII. Spectra of PO and PS", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society472, 3648-3658 (2017). [link to article][17PrJaLo.Po]
Underwood, D. S., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Huang, X., Schwenke, D. W. , Lee, T. J., Clausen, S., Fateev, A., "ExoMol molecular line lists - XIV: The rotation-vibration spectrum of hot SO2", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society459, 3890-3899 (2016). [link to article][16AnTeYu.SO2]
Al-Refaie, A. F., Polyansky, O. L., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists XV: A new hot line list for hydrogen peroxide", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society461, 1012-1022 (2016). [link to article][16AlPoOv.H2O2]
Yurchenko, S. N., Blissett, A., Asari, U., Vasilios, M., Hill, C., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists - XIII: The spectrum of CaO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society456, 4524-4532 (2016). [link to article][16YuBlAs.CaO]
McKemmish, L. K., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists XVIII – The high temperature spectrum of VO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society463, 771-793 (2016). [link to article][16McYuTe.VO]
Azzam, A. A. A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Naumenko, O. V., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XVI: The rotation-vibration spectrum of hot H2S", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society460, 4063-4074 (2016). [link to article][16AzTeYu.H2S]
Underwood, D. S., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Clausen, S., Fateev, A., "ExoMol line lists XVII: A line list for hot SO3", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society462, 4300-4313 (2016). [link to article][16UnTeYu.SO3]
Patrascu, A. T., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists: IX The spectrum of AlO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society449, 3613-3619 (2015). [link to article][15PaYuTe.AlO]
Yurchenko, S. N., "A theoretical room-temperature line list for 15NH3", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer152, 28-36 (2015). [link to article][15Yurchenko.NH3]
Al-Refaie, A. F., Yachmenev, A., Tennyson, J.Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists VIII: A variationally computed line list for hot formaldehyde", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society448, 1704-1714 (2015). [link to article][15AlYaTe.H2CO]
Rivlin, T., Lodi, L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Le Roy, R. J., "ExoMol molecular line lists X: The spectrum of sodium hydride", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society451, 5153-5157 (2015). [link to article][15RiLoYu.NaH]
Pavlyuchko, A. I., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XI. The spectrum of nitric acid", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society452, 1702-1706 (2015). [link to article][15PaYuTe1.HNO3]
Paulose, G., Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol molecular line lists – XII. Line lists for eight isotopologues of CS", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society454, 1931-1939 (2015). [link to article][15PaBaYu.CS]
Al-Refaie, A. F., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Polyansky, O. L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "A variationally calculated room temperature line-list for H2O2", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy318, 84-90 (2015). [link to article][15AlOvPo.H2O2]
Sousa-Silva, C., Al-Refaie, A. F., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol line lists VII: The rotation-vibration spectrum of phosphine up to 1500 K", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society446, 2337-2347 (2014). [link to article][14SoAlTe.PH3]
Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists IV: The rotation-vibration spectrum of methane up to 1500 K", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society440, 1649-1661 (2014). [link to article][14YuTexx.CH4]
Yorke, L., Yurchenko, S. N., Lodi, L., Tennyson, J., "Exomol molecular line lists VI. A high temperature line list for phosphorus nitride", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society445, 1383-1391 (2014). [link to article][14YoYuLo.PN]
Barton, E. J., Chui, C., Golpayegani, S., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Frohman, D. J., Bernath, P. F., "ExoMol molecular line lists V: The ro-vibrational spectra of NaCl and KCl", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society442, 1821-1829 (2014). [link to article][14BaChGo.NaCl]
Barber, R. J., Strange, J. K., Hill, C., Polyansky, O. L., Mellau, G., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists III: An improved hot rotation-vibration line list for HCN and HNC", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society437, 1828-1835 (2014). [link to article][14BaStHi.HCN]
Underwood, D. S., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "An ab initio variationally computed room-temperature line list for 32S16O3", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics15, 10118-10125 (2013). [link to article][13UnTeYu.SO3]
Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Temperature-dependent molecular absorption cross sections for exoplanets and other atmospheres", Icarus226, 1673-1677 (2013). [link to article][13HiYuTe.SO2]
Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - II. The ro-vibrational spectrum of SiO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society434, 1469-1475 (2013). [link to article][13BaYuTe.SiO]
Sousa-Silva, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "A computed room temperature line list for phosphine", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy288, 28-37 (2013). [link to article][13SoYuTe.PH3]
Yadin, B., Veness, T., Conti, P., Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists – I. The rovibrational spectrum of BeH, MgH and CaH in the X2Σ+ state", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society425, 34-43 (2012). [link to article][12YaVeCo.XH]
ExoMol Services
Chubb, K. L., Rocchetto, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Min, M., Waldmann, I., Barstow, J. K., Molliere, P., Al-Refaie, A. F, Phillips, M. W., Tennyson, J., "The ExoMolOP database: Cross sections and k-tables for molecules of interest in high-temperature exoplanet atmospheres", Astronomy and Astrophysics646, A21 (2020). [link to article][20ChRoYu.]
Wang, Y., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Empirical line lists in the ExoMol database", Atoms8, 7 (2020). [link to article][20WaTeYu]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Al-Refaie, A. F., Clark, V. H. J., Chubb, K. L., Conway, E. K., Dewan, A., Gorman, M. N., Hill, C., Lynas-Gray, A. E., Mellor, T., McKemmish L. K., Owens, A., Polyansky, O. L., Semenov, M., Somogyi, W., Tinetti, G., Upadhyay, A., Waldmann, I., Wang, Y., Wright, S., Yurchenko, O. P., "The 2020 release of the ExoMol database: Molecular line lists for exoplanet and other hot atmospheres", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer255, 107228 (2020). [link to article][20TeYuAl.]
Yurchenko, S. N., Al-Refaie, A. F., Tennyson, J., "ExoCross: a general program for generating spectra from molecular line lists", Astronomy & Astrophysics614, A131/1-12 (2018). [link to article][l8YuAlTe.]
Al-Refaie A. F., Yurchenko S. N., Tennyson J., "GPU Accelerated INtensities MPI (GAIN-MPI): A new method of computing Einstein-A coefficients", Computer Physics Communications214, 216-224 (2017). [link to article][17AlYuTe]
Owens, A., Zak, E. J., Chubb, K. L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Yachmenev, A., "Simulating electric field interactions with polar molecules using spectroscopic databases", Scientific Reports7, 45068 (2017). [link to article][17OwZaCh]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "The ExoMol project: Software for computing large molecular line lists", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry117(2), 92-103 (2017). [link to article][17TeYuxx.]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Al-Refaie, A. F., Barton, E. J., Chubb, K. L., Coles, P. A., Diamantopoulou, S., Gorman, M. N., Hill, C., Lam, A. Z., Lodi, L., McKemmish, L. K., Na, Y., Owens, A., Polyansky, O. L., Sousa-Silva, C., Underwood, D. S., Yachmenev, A., Zak, E., "The ExoMol database: Molecular line lists for exoplanet and other hot atmospheres", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy327, 73-94 (2016). [link to article][16TeYuAl]
Yurchenko S.N., Lodi L, Tennyson J., Stolyarov A.V., "Duo: A general program for calculating spectra of diatomic molecules", Computer Physics Communications202, 262-275 (2016). [link to article][16YuLoTe.Duo]
Tennyson J., Hulme K., Naim O. K., Yurchenko S. N., "Radiative lifetimes and cooling functions for astrophysically important molecules", Journal of Physics B49, 1-8 (2016). [link to article][16TeHuNa]
Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Temperature-dependent molecular absorption cross sections for exoplanets and other atmospheres", Icarus226, 1673-1677 (2013). [link to article][13HiYuTe.SO2]
Tennyson, J., Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., "Data structures for ExoMol: Molecular line lists for exoplanet and other atmospheres", AIP Conference Proceedings1545, 186 (2013). [link to article][13TeHiYu]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "ExoMol: molecular line lists for exoplanet and other atmospheres", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society425, 21-33 (2012). [link to article][12TeYuxx]
Other Relevant ExoMol Publications
Lynas-Gray, A. E. , Polyansky, O. L., Tennyson, J. Yurchenko, S. N., Zobov, N. F., "ExoMol Line Lists - LXII: Ro-Vibrational Energy Levels and Line-Strengths for the Propadienediylidene (C3) electronic Ground-State", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietySubmitted (2024).
Owens A., Pavlenko, Ya., Mitrushchenkov, A., Koput, J. Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson J., "ExoMol line lists - LI. Molecular line list for lithium hydroxide (LiOH)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society527, 731-738 (2024). [link to article]
Bowesman, C.A., Qu, Q., McKemmish, L.K., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LV: Hyperfine-resolved molecular line list for vanadium monoxide (51V16O)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society529, 1321-1332 (2024). [link to article]
Yurchenko, S.N., Owens, A., Kefala, K., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LVII: High accuracy ro-vibrational line list for methane (CH4)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2024).
Yurchenko, S.N., Mellor, T.M. Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LIX. High-temperature line list for N2O", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietySubmitted (2024).
Owens, A., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists -- LVIII. High-temperature molecular line list of carbonyl sulfide (OCS)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietySubmitted (2024).
Tennyson, J., Pezzella, M., Zhang, Jingxin, Yurchenko, S.N., "Data structures for photoadsorption within the ExoMol project", RAS Techniques and Instruments2, 231-237 (2023). [link to article]
Yurchenko, S.N., Szajna, W., Hakalla, R., Semenov, M., Sokolov, A., Tennyson, J., Gamache, R.R., Pavlenko,Y., Schmidt, M.R., "ExoMol line lists - LIV: Empirical line lists for AlH and AlD and experimetnal emission spectroscopy of AlD in A 1Π (v=0, 1, 2)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society527, 9736-9756 (2023). [link to article]
Brady, R.P., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., Kim, G.-S., "ExoMol line lists - LVI: The SO line list, MARVEL analysis of experimental transition data and refinement of the spectroscopic model", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietySubmitted (2023).
Yurchenko, S.N., Brady, R.P., Tennyson, J. Smirnov, S.N., Vasilyev, O.A., Solomonik, V.G., "ExoMol line lists - LIII: Empirical Rovibronic spectra Yitrium Oxide (YO)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society527, 4899-4912 (2023). [link to article]
Perri, A.N., Taher, F., McKemmish, L.K., "Full spectroscopic model and trihybrid experimental-perturbative-variational line list for ZrO", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2023). [link to article]
Mellor, T., Owens, A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S.N., "ExoMol line lists - XLVIII. High-temperature line list of thioformaldehyde (H2CS)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society520, 1997-2008 (2023). [link to article]
Buldyreva, J., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "Simple semi-classical model of pressure-broadened infrared/microwave linewidths in the temperature range 200-3000 K.", RAS Techniques and Instruments1, 43-47 (2022). [link to article]
Yurchenko, S.N., Nogué, E., Azzam, A.A.A, Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - XLVII. Rovibronic spectrum of aluminium monochloride (AlCl)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyIn press (2022). [link to article]
Pezzella, M. and Tennyson, J.and Yurchenko, S.N., "ExoMol photodissociation cross-sections - I. HCl and HF", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society514, 4413-4425 (2022). [link to article]
Pezzella, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "A method for calculating temperature-dependent photodissociation cross sections and rates", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2021). [link to article][21PeYuTe.]
Delahaye, T., Armante, R., Scott, N. A., Jacquinet-Husson, N., Chédin, A., Crépeau, L., Crevoisier, S., Douet, V., Perrin, A., Barbe, A., Boudon, V., Campargue, A., Coudert, L. H., Ebert, V., Flaud, J.-M., Gamache, R. R., Jacquemart, D., Jolly, A., Kwabia Tchana, F., Kyuberis, A., Li, G., Lyulin, O. M., Manceron, L., Mikhailenko, S., Moazzen-Ahmadi, N., Müller, H. S. P., Naumenko, O. V., Nikitin, A., Perevalov, V. I., Richard, C., Starikova, E., Tashkun, S. A., Tyuterev, V. G., Vander Auwera, J., Vispoel, B., Yachmenev, A., Yurchenko, S. N., "The 2020 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 111510 (2021). [link to article][21DeArSc.]
Yachmenev, A., Campargue, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Küpper, J., Tennyson, J., "Electric quadrupole transitions in carbon dioxide", The Journal of Chemical Physics154, 211104 (2021). [link to article][21YaCaYu.CO2]
Clark, V. H. J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Modelling the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium spectra of silylene (SiH2)", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11990-12004 (2021). [link to article][21ClYuxx.SiH2]
Al-Derzi, A. R., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Melosso, M., Jiang, N., Puzzarini, C., Dore, L., Furtenbacher, T., Tóbiás, R., Császár, A. G., "An improved rovibrational linelist of formaldehyde, H212C16O", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer266, 107563 (2021). [link to article][21AlTeYu.H2CO]
Giacobbe, P., Brogi, M., Gandhi, S., Cubillos, P. E., Bonomo, A. S., Sozzetti, A., Fossati, L., Guilluy, G., Carleo, I., Rainer, M., Harutyunyan, A., Borsa, F., Pino, L., Nascimbeni, V., Benatti, S., Biazzo, K., Bignamini, A., Chubb, K. L., Claudi, R., Cosentino, R., Covino, E., Damasso, M., Desidera, S., Fiorenzano, A. F. M., Ghedina, A., Lanza, A. F., Leto, G., Maggio, A., Malavolta, L., Maldonado, J., Micela, G., Molinari, E., Pagano, I., Pedani, M., Piotto, G., Poretti E., Scandariato, G., Yurchenko, S. N., Fantinel, D., Galli, A., Lodi, M., Sanna, N., Tozzi, A., "Five carbon- and nitrogen-bearing species in a hot giant planet’s atmosphere", Nature592, 205-208 (2021). [link to article][21GiBrGa.]
Mellor, T. M., Yurchenko, S. N., Jensen, P., "Artificial symmetries for calculating vibrational energies of linear molecules", Symmetry13, 548 (2021). [link to article][21MeYuJe.]
Qu, Q., Cooper, B., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "A spectroscopic model for the low-lying electronic states of NO", The Journal of Chemical Physics154, 074112 (2021). [link to article][21QuCoYu.NO]
Pastorek, A., Civiš, S., Clark, V. H. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Ferus, M., "Time-resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy of CO Δv = 1 and Δv = 2 extended bands in the ground X 1Σ+ state produced by formamide glow discharge", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer262, 107521 (2021). [link to article][21PaCiCl.CO]
Fleurbaey, H., Grilli, R., Mondelain, D., Kassi, S., Yachmenev, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Campargue, A., "Electric-quadrupole and magnetic-dipole contributions to the ν2 + ν3 band of carbon dioxide near 3.3 μm", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer266, 107558 (2021). [link to article][21FlGrMo.CO2]
Pavlenko, Y. V., Yurchenko, S. N., McKemmish, L. K., Tennyson, J., "Analysis of the TiO isotopologues in stellar optical spectra", Astronomy & Astrophysics642, A77 (2020). [link to article][20PaYuMc.TiO]
Campargue, A., Kassi, S., Yachmenev, A., Kyuberis, A. A., Küpper, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Observation of electric-quadrupole infrared transitions in water vapor", Physical Review Research2, 023901 (2020). [link to article][20CaKaYa.H2O]
Darby-Lewis, D., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Lawson, K. D., "Vibrationally resolved electron impact electronic excitation of BeH", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics53, 135202 (2020). [link to article][20DaTeYu.BeH]
Yurchenko, S. N., Mellor, T. M., "Treating linear molecules in calculations of rotation-vibration spectra", The Journal of Chemical Physics153, 154106 (2020). [link to article][20YuMexx.]
Furtenbacher, T., Coles, P. A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Yu, S., Drouin, B., Tóbiás, R., Császár, A. G., "Empirical rovibrational energy levels of ammonia up to 7500 cm−1", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer251, 107027 (2020). [link to article][20FuCoTe.NH3]
Campargue, A., Solodov, A. M., Solodov, A. A., Yachmenev, A., Yurchenko, S. N., "Detection of electric-quadrupole transitions in water vapour near 5.4 and 2.5 μm", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics22, 12476-12481 (2020). [link to article][20CaSoSo.H2O]
Wang, Y., Owens, A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "MARVEL analysis of the measured high-resolution rovibronic spectra of the calcium monohydroxide radical (CaOH)", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series248, 9 (2020). [link to article][20WaOwTe.CaOH]
Bourgalais, J., Carrasco, N., Changeat, Q., Venot, O., Jovanović, L., Pernot, P., Tennyson, J., Chubb, K. L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tinetti, G., "Ions in the thermosphere of Exoplanets: Observable constraints revealed by innovative laboratory experiments", The Astrophysical Journal895, 77 (2020). [link to article][20BoCaCh.]
Gandhi, S., Brogi, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Coles, P. A., Webb, R. K., Birkby, J. L. Guilluy, G., Hawker, G. A., Madhusudhan, N., Bonomo, A. S., Sozzetti, A., "Molecular cross-sections for high-resolution spectroscopy of super-Earths, warm Neptunes, and hot Jupiters", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society495, 224-237 (2020). [link to article][20GaBrYu.H2O]
Hoeijmakers, H. J., Seidel, J. V., Pino, L., Kitzmann, D., Sindel, J. P., Ehrenreich, D., Oza, A. V., Bourrier, V., Allart, R., Gebek, A., Lovis, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Astudillo-Defru, N., Bayliss, D., Cegla, H., Lavie, B., Lendl, M., Melo, C., Murgas, F., Nascimbeni, V., Pepe, F., Ségransan, D., Udry, S., Wyttenbach A., Heng, K., "Hot Exoplanet Atmospheres Resolved with Transit Spectroscopy (HEARTS)", Astronomy & Astrophysics641, A123 (2020). [link to article][20HoSePi.]
Irwin, P. G. J., Bowles, N., Braude, A. S., Garland, R., Calcutt, S., Coles, F. A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Analysis of gaseous ammonia (NH3) absorption in the visible spectrum of Jupiter - Update.", Icarus321, 572-582, (2019). [link to article][19IrBoBr.NH3]
Smirnov, A. N, Solomonik, V. G., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Spectroscopy of YO from first principles", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics21, 22794-22810 (2019). [link to article][19SmSoYu.YO]
Tsiaras, A., Waldmann, I. P., Tinetti, G., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Water vapour in the atmosphere of the habitable-zone eight-Earth-mass planet K2-18 b", Nature Astronomy (2019). [link to article][19TsWaTi.H2O]
Mellor, T. M., Yurchenko, S. N., Mant, B. P., Jensen, P., "Transformation properties under the operations of the molecular symmetry groups G36 and G36(EM) of ethane H3CCH3", Symmetry11, 862/1-37 (2019). [link to article][19MeYuMa.C2H6]
Chubb, K. L., Naumenko, O., Keely, S., Bartolotto, S., Macdonald, S., Mukhtar, M., Grachov, A., White, J., Coleman, E., Liu, A., Fazliev, A. Z., Polovtseva, E. R., Horneman, V.-M., Campargue, A., Furtenbacher, T., Császár, A. G., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Marvel analysis of the measured high-resolution rovibrational spectra of H232S", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer218, 0022-4073 (2018). [link to article][18ChNaKe.H2S]
Coles, P. A., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Polyansky, O. L. , Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Improved potential energy surface and spectral assignments for ammonia in the near-infrared region", Journal of Quantum Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer219, 199-212 (2018). [link to article][18CoOvPo.NH3]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S., "The ExoMol Atlas of Molecular Opacities", Atom6, 1-29 (2018). [link to article][18TeYuxx.]
Tsiaras, A., Waldmann, I. P., Zingales, T., Rocchetto, M., Morello, G., Damiano, M., Karpouzas, K., Tinetti, G., McKemmish, L. K., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "A population study of gaseous exoplanets", The Astrophysical Journal155, 156/1-15 (2018). [link to article][18TsWaZi]
Chubb, K. L., Joseph, M., Franklin, J., Choudhury, N., Furtenbacher, T., Császár, A. G., Gaspard, G., Oguoko, P., Kelly, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Sousa-Silva, C., "MARVEL analysis of the measured high-resolution spectra of acetylene", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer204, 42-55 (2018). [link to article][18ChJoFr]
Chubb, K. L., Yachmenev, A., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Treating linear molecule HCCH in calculations of rotation-vibration spectra", The Journal of Chemical Physics149, 014101 (2018). [link to article][18ChYaTr.C2H2]
Chubb, K. L., Jensen, P., Yurchenko, S. N., "Symmetry adaptation of the rotation-vibration theory for linear molecules", Symmetry10, 137/1-23 (2018). [link to article][18ChJeYu.C2H2]
Zobov, N. F., Coles, P. A., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Kyuberis, A. A., Hargreaves, R. J., Bernath, P F., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Polyansky, O. L., "Analysis of the red and green optical absorption spectrum of gas phase ammonia", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer209, 224-231 (2018). [link to article][18ZoCoOv.NH3]
Barton, E. J., Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Dudaryonok, A. S., Lavrentieva, N. N., "Pressure-dependent water absorption cross-sections for exoplanets and other atmospheres", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer187, 453-460 (2017). [link to article][17BaHiYu.H2O]
Yurchenko, S. N., Yachmenev, A., Ovsyannikov, R. I., "Symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis functions for variational nuclear motion: TROVE approach.", Journal Accounts of Chemical Research13(9), 4368-4381 (2017). [link to article]
Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Barton, E. J., "Molecular line shape parameters for exoplanetary atmospheric applications", Journal of Physics: Conference Series810(1), 012010 (2017). [link to article]
Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Clausen, S., Fateev, A., "High-resolution absorption measurements of NH3 at high temperatures: 2100 - 5500 cm-1", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer189, 60-65 (2017). [link to article][17BaYuTe.NH3]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Laboratory spectra of hot molecules: Data needs for hot super-Earth exoplanets", Molecular Astrophysics8, 1-18 (2017). [link to article][17TeYuxxa]
Yurchenko, S. N., Amundsen, D. S., Tennyson, J., Waldmann, I. P., "A hybrid line list for CH4 and hot methane continuum", Astronomy and Astrophysics605, A95/1-9 (2017). [link to article][17YuAmTe.CH4]
Ardaseva, A., Rimmer, P. B., Waldmann, I., Roccheto, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Helling, C., Tennyson, J., "Lightning chemistry on Earth-like exoplanets", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society470, 187-196 (2017). [link to article][17ArRiWa.NO]
Barton, E. J., Hill, C., Czurylo, M., Li, H. Y., Hyslop, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "The ExoMol pressure broadening diet: H2 and He line-broadening parameters", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer203, 490-495 (2017). [link to article][17BaHiCz.H2]
Barton, E.J., Polyansky, O. L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Civiš, S., Ferus, M., Hargreaves, R., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Kyuberis, A. A., Zobov, N. F., Béguier, S., Campargue, A., "Absorption spectra of ammonia near 1 μm", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer203, 392-397 (2017). [link to article][17BaPoYu.NH3]
McKemmish, L. K., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Ab initio calculations to support accurate modelling of the rovibronic spectroscopy calculations of vanadium monoxide (VO)", Molecular Physics114(21), 3232-3248 (2016). [link to article][16McYuTe.VO]
Tsiaras, A., Rocchetto, M., Waldmann, I. P., Venot, O., Varley, R., Morello, G., Damiano, M., Tinetti, G., Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Detection of an atmosphere around the super-earth 55 Cancri e", The Astrophysical Journal820(2), 99 (2016). [link to article][16TsRoWa.HCN]
Furtenbacher, T., Szabó, I., Császár, A. G., Bernath, P. F., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Experimental energy levels and partition function of the 12C2 molecule", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series224, 44 (2016). [link to article][16FuSzCs.C2]
Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Beguier, S., Campargue, A., "A near infrared line list for NH3: Analysis of a Kitt Peak spectrum after 35 years", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy325, 7-12 (2016). [link to article][16BaYuTe.NH3]
Tennyson, J., Lodi, L., McKemmish, L. K., Yurchenko, S. N., "The ab initio calculation of spectra of open shell diatomic molecules", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics49, 102001 (2016). [link to article][16TeLoMc]
Owens, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Yachmenev, A., Tennyson, J., Thiel, W., "A highly accurate ab initio potential energy surface for methane", The Journal of Chemical Physics145, 104305/1-14 (2016). [link to article][16OwYuYa.CH4]
Melnikov, V. V., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Jensen, P., "Radiative cooling of H3O+ and its deuterated isotopologues", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics18, 26268-26274 (2016). [link to article][16MeYuTe.H3O+]
Semenov, M., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Predicted Landé g-factors for open shell diatomic molecules", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy330, 57-62 (2016). [link to article][16SeYuTe.AlO]
Owens, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Yachmenev, A., Tennyson, J., Thiel, W., "A global ab initio dipole moment surface for methyl chloride", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer184, 100-110 (2016). [link to article][16OwYuYa.CH3Cl]
Sousa-Silva, C., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Communication: Tunnelling splitting in the phosphine molecule", The Journal of Chemical Physics145, 091102 (2016). [link to article][16SoTeYu.PH3]
Polyansky, O. L., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Kyuberis, A. A., Lodi, L., Tennyson, J., Yachmenev, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Zobov, N. F., "Calculation of rotation-vibration energy levels of the ammonia molecule based on an ab initio potential energy surface", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy327, 21-30 (2016). [link to article][16PoOvKy.NH3]
Azzam, A. A. A., Lodi, L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "The dipole moment surface for hydrogen sulfide H2S", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer161, 41-49 (2015). [link to article][15AzLoYu.H2S]
Owens, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Yachmenev, A., Thiel, W., "A global potential energy surface and dipole moment surface for silane", Journal of Chemical Physics143, 244317 (2015). [link to article][15OwYuYa.SiH4]
Waldmann, I. P., Rocchetto, M., Tinetti, G., Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "τ-REx. II. Retrieval of emission spectra", The Astrophysical Journal813(1), 13 (2015). [link to article][15WaRoTi]
Waldmann, I. P., Tinetti, G., Rocchetto, M., Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "τ-REx I: A next generation retrieval code for exoplanetary atmospheres", The Astrophysical Journal802(2), 107 (2015). [link to article][15WaTiRo]
Canty, J. I., Lucas, P. W., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Leggett, S. K., Tinney, C. G., Jones, H. R. A., Burningham, B., Pinfield, D. J., Smart, R. L., "Methane and ammonia in the near-infrared spectra of late-T dwarfs", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society450, 454-480 (2015). [link to article][15CaLuYu.CH4]
Al Derzi, A. R., Furtenbacher, T., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., Császár, A. G., "MARVEL analysis of the measured high-resolution spectra of 14NH3", unknown journal161, 117-130 (2015). [link to article][15AlFuTe.NH3]
Pavlyuchko, A.I., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "A hybrid variational-perturbation calculation of the ro-vibrational spectrum of nitric acid", The Journal of Chemical Physics15, 094309 (2015). [link to article][15PaYuTe.HNO3]
Owens, A., Yurchenko, S. N., Thiel, W., Spirko, V., "Accurate prediction of the ammonia probes of a variable proton-to-electron mass ratio", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society450, 3191-3200 (2015). [link to article][15OwYuTh.NH3]
Lodi, L., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "The calculated rovibronic spectrum of scandium hydride, ScH", Molecular Physics113, 1998-2011 (2015). [link to article][15LoYuTe.ScH]
Barton, E. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Clausen, S., Fateev, A., "High-resolution absorption measurements of NH3 at high temperatures: 500 - 2100 cm-1", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer167, 126-134 (2015). [link to article][15BaYuTe.NH3]
Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "The status of spectroscopic data for the exoplanet characterisation missions", Experimental Astronomy40, 563-575 (2015). [link to article][15TeYuxx.CO]
Tennyson, J., "Vibration-rotation transition dipoles from first principles", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy298, 1-6 (2014). [link to article][14Tennyson]
Yurchenko, S. N., "Electric dipole moments of small polyatomic molecules from first principles. Chapter 7.", in Chemical Modelling: Volume 10, Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 183-228 (2014).
Sousa-Silva, C., Hesketh, N., Yurchenko, S. N., Hill, C., Tennyson, J., "High temperature partition functions and thermodynamic data for ammonia and phosphine", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer142, 66-74 (2014). [link to article][14SoHeYu.PH3]
Patrascu, A. T., Hill, C., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Study of the electronic and rovibronic structure of the X 2Σ+, A 2Π , and B 2Σ+ states of AlO", Journal of Chemical Physics141 (2014). [link to article][14PaHiTe.AlO]
Swain, M., Deroo, P., Tinetti, G., Hollis, M., Tessenyi, M., Line, M., Kawahara, H., Fujii, Y., Showman, A., Yurchenko, S. N., "Probing the extreme planetary atmosphere of WASP-12b", Icarus225, 432-445 (2013). [link to article][13SwDeTi]
Waldmann, I. P., Tinetti, G., Deroo, P., Hollis, M. D. J., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., "Blind extraction of an exoplanetary spectrum through independent component analysis", The Astrophysical Journal766, 1-9 (2013). [link to article][13WaTiDe]
Marquardt, R., Sagui, K., Zheng, J., Thiel, W., Luckhaus, D., Yurchenko, S. N., Mariotti, F., Quack, M., "Global analytical potential energy surface for the electronic ground state of NH3 from high level ab Initio calculations", Journal of Physical Chemistry A117, 7502-7522 (2013). [link to article][13MaSaZh.NH3]
Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Barber, R. J., Thiel, W., "Vibrational transition moments of CH4 from first principles", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy291, 69-76 (2013). [link to article][13YuTeBa.CH4]
Azzam, A. A. A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Martin-Drumel, M.-A., Pirali, O., "THz spectroscopy of hydrogen sulphide", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer130, 341-351 (2013). [link to article][13AzYuTe.H2S]
Polyansky, O. L., Kozin, I. N., Ovsyannikov, R. I., Malyszek, P., Koput, J., Tennyson, J., Yurchenko, S. N., "Variational calculation of highly excited rovibrational energy levels of H2O2", Journal of Physical Chemistry A117, 7367-7377 (2013). [link to article][13PoKoOv.H2O2]
Faure, A., Weisenfeld, L., Drouin, B. J., Tennyson, J., "Pressure broadening of water and carbon monoxide transitions by molecular hydrogen at high temperatures", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer116, 79-86 (2013). [link to article][13FaWeDr.H2O]
Down, M., Hill, C., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson, J., Brown, L. R., Kleiner, I., "Re-analysis of previous Ammonia spectra: Updating the HITRAN 14NH3 database.", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer130, 260-272 (2013). [link to article][13DoHiYu.NH3]
Xie, J. K., Tennyson, J., "Variational calculations of vibrational energy levels for XY4 molecules 1. Stretching states", Molecular Physics100, 1615-1622 (2002). [link to article][02XiTexx.SiH4]
Li, X., Qin, Z., Liu, L., "High-temperature molecular line list of hydroboron monoxide (HBO)", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics26, 12838-12843 (1014). [link to article]
Pearce, O., Yurchenko, S.N., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LII. Line Lists for the Methylidyne Cation (CH+)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyIn press.
Yurchenko, S.N., Bowesman, C.A., Brady, R.P., Guest, E.R., Kefala, K., Mitev, G.B., Owens, A., Perri, A.N., Pezzella, M., Smola, O., Solokov, A. Zhang, J., Tennyson, J., "ExoMol line lists - LX. Molecular line list for the ammonia isotopologue 15NH3", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyIn press.